1. Joseph Adams, Christian Science Hymns As Used In Services Conducted by Joseph Adams (Chicago: Shea Smith & Co., c. 1889).
  2. “Hymns,” Chicago Christian Scientist, February 1889, 216.
  3. Hopkins became a leading figure in New Thought. Plunkett had a briefer, more controversial career in that movement.
  4. Ursula Gestefeld, A Collection of Familiar and Original Hymns and Tunes Rendered Scientifically, for Christian Science Service (Chicago: Ursula N. Gestefeld, 1889).
  5. Kohaus went on to contribute tracts and poetry to New Thought. Unity Library and Archives: https://www.truthunity.net/sites/all/content/assets/people/kohaus-hannah-more/kohaus-hannah-more-informaton-from-unity-archives.pdf, accessed 12 January 2023.
  6. Kohaus, Hannah More, “One of God’s Angels,” Chicago Christian Scientist, March 1888, vol. 1, no. 10 (Chicago: Joseph Adams), 227.
  7. Jessie Day, Hymns and Tunes for the Church of Christ (Scientist) (Chicago: Mrs. O. W. Day, 1889). Rare Book Collection, M2131 .C5 H9 1889.
  8. Caroline Dorr Noyes helped to organize the original Church of Christ, Scientist, in Chicago in 1884. While this may have been a milestone, by 1890 the church lost George Day as its pastor and dissolved. In her reminiscence Noyes recalled, “…it seemingly devolved upon me to take a stand for Christian Science and Our Leader.” A new church was soon organized. Caroline D. Noyes, ”Christian Science Notes by Caroline D. Noyes… from her personal experience,” n.d., Reminiscence, LSC009, 5.
  9. Mary B. G. Eddy, “Feed My Sheep,” The Christian Science Journal, March 1887, 303.
  10. M.J.H. Zink, “Thy Way,” Journal, August 1888, 233. “Thy Way” was included in the 1892 Hymnal but not in later editions.
  11. Church of Christ, Scientist, New York (Second), Christian Science Hymns, (New York, 189_?). The New York Public Library holds a copy of this booklet.
  12. ”A Christian Science Hymn Book,” Journal, July 1889, 187–188.
  13. ”Notice,” Journal, October 1889, 367.
  14. William G. Nixon, “Letter to [Ethel] H. Hall,” 5 August 1890, Subject File, Christian Science Publishing Society – Publications – Hymnal.
  15. Robert Rockabrand served on The Mother Church’s Hymnal Revision Committee, which met for several years in the 1980s. He was also a member of the 2008 Supplement Committee, which met over several months to construct a slim volume containing 33 new hymns.
  16. Paul O. Williams, “The Evolution of the Christian Science Hymnal” (unpublished manuscript), 1979, Principia College Marshall Brooks Library, Rare Book Collection, BV372. W72 1979, 17.
  17. Mary Baker Eddy to William Lyman Johnson.
  18. “Publisher’s Department,” Journal, May 1892, 88.
  19. “Publisher’s Department,” Journal, July 1892, 176.
  20. The Christian Science Hymnal: A Selection of Spiritual Songs (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 1892).