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15 Tips for Caring for Your Books
In order to protect their objects and archival materials, libraries and museums follow professional practices to promote long-term preservation. Your home, church, Reading Room, or workplace may not meet the somewhat rigorous standards of libraries and museums. But the following tips, adapted from professional standards, will still help you care for your books.
Article III, Section 6: “Readers in Branch Churches”
This page is focused on the final two sentences of this By-Law: "They shall make no remarks explanatory of the LESSON-SERMON at any time, but they shall read all notices and remarks that may be printed in the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE QUARTERLY. This By-Law applies to Readers...
“Set free the captive”: Mary Baker Eddy and prison reform
Read about Eddy’s long-standing commitment to helping prisoners.
What is the Historical Background of No and Yes by Mary Baker Eddy?
No and Yes began as an article in The Christian Science Journal of March 7, 1885, titled “Defence of Christian Science.”
“…about all I possessed”: Mary Baker Eddy’s Rocking Chair
Most of us have a memory of being rocked as a child and of the comfort that brought. The rocking chair seemed to have great comforting significance to Mary Baker Eddy…