From the Mary Baker Eddy Papers
Articles highlighting our ongoing effort to annotate and digitally publish Eddy’s correspondence, sermons, and other manuscript materials.
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From the Papers: Teaching on the frontier
Glimpse what it took to grow the early Christian Science movement in the young state of Nebraska.
From the Papers: Pastoral care
Learn how the clergy was looking at Christian Science in 1885.
From the Papers: How our glossary of terms can help you
Check out these tips to get the most from Eddy’s annotated correspondence.
From the Papers: Printed form letters
See how Mary Baker Eddy efficiently answered hundreds of annual inquiries.
From the Papers: “To prove the ‘Truth’ you had taught us”
Read the first letters to Mary Baker Eddy from Laura Sargent.
From the Papers: The author’s voice
See how different documents contain similar word choices.
From the Papers: A letter from a healer
Read the first communication to Eddy from a devoted early worker in Christian Science.