1. Mary Baker Eddy to Ellen Brown Linscott, 20 October 1884, L12980, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L12980
  2. Mary Baker Eddy to Mary J. Lewis, 12 July 1886, L14420, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L14420.
  3. Bradford Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, 18 April 1886, 321.44.034, https://mbepapers.org/?load=321.44.034.
  4. Minnie B. Hall De Soto to Mary Baker Eddy, February 1886, 223A.37.003, https://mbepapers.org/?load=223A.37.003.
  5. Elvira W. Spaulding to Mary Baker Eddy, 26 July 1886, 572.59.010, https://mbepapers.org/?load=572.59.010
  6. Mary Baker Eddy to Elvira W. Spaulding, 30 July 1886, L05522, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L05522
  7. Calvin A. Frye, “Notes taken in Dr Foster Eddy’s class,” 15 October 1888, A11560.
  8. Mary Baker Eddy to Sue Ella Bradshaw, 6 June 1887, L04640.
  9. Mary Baker Eddy to Caroline D. Noyes, 15 June 1887, L05438.
  10. Elizabeth Webster, “Congratulation,” The Christian Science Journal, April 1888, 25.
  11. Referring to herself, Eddy wrote, “She retained her charter, and as its President, reopened the College in 1899 as auxiliary to her church.” Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors), xii).
  12. Eddy, Science and Health, xii; Eddy to William B. Johnson, 24 February 1898, L00714.