1. See https://www.marybakereddylibrary.org/research/open-a-public-institute-at-once/ and https://www.marybakereddylibrary.org/research/from-the-papers-women-practicing-christian-science-in-the-american-west/
  2. Donald L. Miller, City of the Century: The Epic of Chicago and the Making of America (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996), 188.
  3. Eddy sent copies of the same letter to a number of students. See for example Eddy to Hannah A. Larminie, 26 May 1886, L04477.
  4. See “Haymarket Affair,” Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 March 2024, https://www.britannica.com/event/Haymarket-Affair.
  5. See Richard Schneirov, “The Haymarket Bomb in Historical Context,” 2016, https://digital.lib.niu.edu/illinois/gildedage/haymarket.
  6. M. Bettie Bell to Eddy, 8 May 1886, 020A.09.010, https://mbepapers.org/?load=020A.09.010.
  7. Eddy to Ellen Brown Linscott, 5 March 1886, L11003, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L11003.
  8. Eddy to Linscott, 7 June 1886, L11004, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L11004.
  9. Eddy to George B. Day, 10 June 1886, L14721, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L14721.
  10. Eddy to Larminie, 3 June 1886, L04479, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L04479.
  11. Larminie to Eddy, 8 June 1886, 295.42.008, https://mbepapers.org/?load=295.42.008.
  12. Matthew Clarke to Eddy, 18 June 1886, 657B.69.016, https://mbepapers.org/?load=657B.69.016.
  13. Eddy to Larminie, 23 June 1886, L04480, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L04480.
  14. Day to Eddy, 7 June 1886, 060A.17.006, https://mbepapers.org/?load=060A.17.006.
  15. Ursula N. Gestefeld to Eddy, 27 July 1886, 544.57.006, https://mbepapers.org/?load=544.57.006.
  16. See Eddy to Larminie, 13 July 1886, L04481, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L04481.
  17. Eddy to Gestefeld, 28 July 1886, L12898, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L12898.
  18. Eddy to Day, 8 August 1886, L14723, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L14723.
  19. Silas J. Sawyer to Eddy, 15 August 1886, 237AP2.38.030, https://mbepapers.org/?load=237AP2.38.030
  20. Sawyer to Eddy, 15 August 1886, 237AP2.38.030, https://mbepapers.org/?load=237AP2.38.030.
  21. Eddy to Caroline D. Noyes, 28 July 1886, L05421, https://mbepapers.org/?load=L05421.