Videos about the Bible Allthe Bible David Holland on women of revelation in American historyAuthor talks, Fellows talks, Mary Baker Eddy, Research, the Bible David Holland on the revelatory experience: Ellen Gould White and Mary Baker EddyAuthor talks, Fellows talks, Mary Baker Eddy, Research, the Bible Spiritual Writing: Mary Baker Eddy and Julian of NorwichFull-Length Program Replays, Mary Baker Eddy, Research, the Bible The Bible and Contemporary Culture: Carl ScovelAuthor talks, Full-Length Program Replays, the Bible The Bible and Contemporary Culture: Kaia SternAuthor talks, Full-Length Program Replays, the Bible The Bible and Contemporary Culture: Anne RobertsonAuthor talks, Full-Length Program Replays, the Bible Subscribe to our podcast Questions? Do you have questions or comments for The Mary Baker Eddy Library? Contact Us