March 22, 2017
Folio. Old-style binding of pattern-stamped brown calf. Printed in black letter (Old English) Title within woodcut borders. Numerous woodcuts in the text. First edition of the Matthew Bible. Language: English
March 22, 2017
Folio. Contemporary leather binding. Title page and about nine leaves in facsimilie. Title page by Harris. Other facsimilies relating to Cranmer’s First Great Bible (1540) are laid in. Woodcut illustrations throughout. Known as “The Great Bible”. Language: English.
March 20, 2017
Folio. Contemporary panelled calf. Lacks title page and approximately six leaves. Woodcut illustrations. Translated by Jacques Le Fèvre d’Etaples (Faber Stapulensis); his version was the first complete French translation. This volume is a reprint, with some small changes, of Le Fèvre’s 1530 edition. Known as the” Bible of Antwerp” from its place of printing. Language: French [The Holy Bible, in French…]
March 16, 2017
Octavo. Contemporary blind-stamped brown polished calf with owner’s initials and crest on covers and brass clasps. Title page missing. Fourth edition of Tyndale’s New Testament. Language: English
March 15, 2017
Small quarto. Old vellum. Lacks title page. “Known as ‘Matthew’s version’….Thomas Matthew is commonly treated as a pseudonym of John Rogers (1500?-1550), Tindale’s intimate friend….But as Rogers only edited what is essentially Tindale’s translation, it seems more probable that Matthew stands for Tindale’s own name, which it was then dangerous to employ….Rogers’ own share in the work was probably confined to…the general task of editing the materials at his disposal.” – Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Vol. I. Language: English