Tēs theias graphēs, palaias dēladē kai neas diathēkēs, hapanta = Divinae scripturae, veteris ac novi testamenti, omnia,        innumeris locis nunc demum, et optimorum librorum collatione, et doctorum virorum opera, multo quam unquam antea emendatiora, in lucem edita. (Vorw.: Philipp Melanchthon)

Tēs theias graphēs, palaias dēladē kai neas diathēkēs, hapanta = Divinae scripturae, veteris ac novi testamenti, omnia, innumeris locis nunc demum, et optimorum librorum collatione, et doctorum virorum opera, multo quam unquam antea emendatiora, in lucem edita. (Vorw.: Philipp Melanchthon)

Published: Basel: John Hervagius, 1545. Folio. Rebound in half-leather and cloth. Fourth complete Bible printed in Greek. The first complete Greek Bible was printed in Venice in 1518. Device of three-headed Hermes featured on both the title page and last page. Preface by Phillip Melancthon, a friend of Martin Luther. Language: Greek and Latin. [Greek: All of the Holy Scripture, to wit, of the Old and New Testament…]

Olde and Newe Testament

Olde and Newe Testament

Published: London: Christopher Barker, 1599. Octavo. Brown leather. “The Book of Psalms: Collected into English Meter” included. Another example of the “Breeches Bible.” Leaf containing Genesis Chapter 3, where “breeches” wording is found, is missing. Language: English

Novi Testamenti aeditio postrema per Des. Erasmum Roterodamum.

Novi Testamenti aeditio postrema per Des. Erasmum Roterodamum.

Published: Zurich: Andreas and Jacob Gessnerum Brothers, 1555. Rebacked original leather binding. Pocket edition. Erasmus edited the first printed Greek New Testament in 1516, which became the standard for more than 200 years. Language: Latin [Latest edition of the New Testament, by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam….]