1. United States Forest Service, “Eastern Region Viewing Area: Mount Washington,” Celebrating Wildflowers, accessed 20 October 2023, https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/regions/eastern/MountWashington/index.shtml
  2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers & American Society of Civil Engineers, “Mount Washington Cog Railway,” 26 June 1976, https://www.asme.org/wwwasmeorg/media/resourcefiles/aboutasme/who%20we%20are/engineering%20history/landmarks/18-mount-washington-cog-railway-1869.pdf
  3. Timothy J. Mallery, “Summit House—Mount Washington,” Catskill Archive, accessed 20 October 2023, https://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/whmtns03.Html
  4. Taken and modified from a stanza of a poem by Mary H. C. Booth, “To William Cullen Bryant.: With a blossom of Edeweiss from the Swiss Alps, eleven thousand feet above the level of the sea.” The Bryand Festival at “The Century,” (New York: Century Association, 1864), 32. https://books.google.com/books?id=3dI-AAAAYAAJ&PA32&Ipg=PA32&dq
  5. Josephine Curtis Woodbury and Janette E. Weller to Mary Baker Eddy, 28 July 1888, IC338AP1.46.029. https://www.mbepapers.org/?load=338AP1.46.029 Weller was the surname of Janette’s first husband, Franklin G. Weller, who died in 1877. She married Fred A. Robinson in 1882 and used his surname while they were married. After their divorce in 1891, she reverted to the surname Weller for the remainder of her life.
  6. https://mbepapers.org/?load=mapview
  7. See, for example: Ellen Brown Linscott to Calvin A. Frye, 9 July 1885, IC163A.27.029 https://marybakereddypapers.org/?load=163A.27.029; Jennie B. Fenn to Calvin A. Frye, 20 January 1886, IC943.92.009 https://marybakereddypapers.org/?load=943.92.009; Victoria H. Sargent to Calvin A. Frye, 2 June 1886, IC951.93.009 https://marybakereddypapers.org/?load=951.93.009; George B. Wickersham to Calvin A. Frye, 23 February 1886, IC954.93A.024 https://marybakereddypapers.org/?load=954.93A.024; and Laura V. Lathrop to Calvin A. Frye, 10 July 1886, IC947.93.019 https://marybakereddypapers.org/?load=947.93.019
  8. New Hampshire Historical Society, “Mt. Washington Summit House stationery, 1880s,” accessed 20 October 2023, https://www.nhhistory.org/object/266651/letter-from-j-a-cochran-1889-july-24
  9. Poetry Foundation, “William Cullen Bryant,” accessed 20 October 2023, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/william-cullen-bryant
  10. United States Forest Service, “Eastern Region Viewing Area: Mount Washington,” Celebrating Wildflowers, accessed 20 October 2023, https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/regions/eastern/MountWashington/index.shtml
  11. Kelly Byquist, “‘The Flower Lady,'” 1 May 2020, https://www.longyear.org/learn/research-archive/the-flower-lady/
  12. Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors), 240.