Technology in Mary Baker Eddy’s Household

Airplanes: “Calvin Frye was much interested in mechanical developments and was a steady subscriber to technical magazines. When it was announced that an airplane meet would take place at Squantum, Massachusetts, Mr. Frye and other members of the household very much...

Yale Automobile

We’ve already written about Mary Baker Eddy’s horses, and featured an exhibit about one of her carriages, leaving another transportation topic yet undiscussed: horseless carriages, or automobiles.

Christian Science Reading Rooms 1887–1910

Christian Science Reading Rooms 1887–1910 (Updated January 2019)The beginnings of Christian Science Reading Rooms can be dated to January 1887. According to a later article in The Christian Science Journal, in that month the “Free Dispensary of Christian Science...

Library Special Collections

The Mary Baker Eddy Library’s Special Collections includes The Mary Baker Eddy Collection, in addition to many other historical files, photographs, art objects, and other artifacts.