1. See Emily (Mrs. Geo. H.) Meader, “Dispensary Work,” Journal, June 1889, 154-155
  2. CSA, meeting minutes, Volume 2, 6 April 1887, EOR11
  3. Frye to Philbrick, 11 July 1888, L10430
  4. “News from Abroad,” Journal, August 1889, 271
  5. “A New Home,” Journal, September 1888, 317
  6. “Publisher’s Department,” Journal, January 1900, i
  7. McKenzie to Eddy, 22 January 1900, IC 013bP1.08.029
  8. Eddy to Directors, 16 May 1900, L00247
  9. Johnson to Eddy, 17 May 1900, L16305
  10. Frye to Johnson, 17 May 1900, L01219
  11. “Annual Church Meeting,” Sentinel, 7 June 1900, 644-645
  12. See Frye to Johnson, 9 August 1900, L01225; L00781 is the By-Law. See also Manual, Article XXI, Section 2, “Librarian.”
  13. Allan to Frye, 14 February 1901, Subject File, Allan, Charlotte (Lottie)
  14. Eddy to Allan, 16 February 1901, L09080
  15. Eddy to Dodge, 8 October 1903, L10519
  16. Snider to Eddy, 20 December 1903, IC 239.38.039
  17. Kinter to Snider, 22 December 1903, V04055
  18. Trustees to Eddy, 23 May 1905, L12698
  19. Kinter to Eddy, 24 August 1907, L16718
  20. Directors to Eddy, 22 March 1909, L17855
  21. Eddy to Directors, 23 March 1909, L01013
  22. To Whom It May Concern,” Sentinel, 8 May 1909, 710; this notice was later republished in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 354
  23. Eddy to Directors, 22 July 1909, L00613
  24. Kinter to Eddy, 26 January 1910, L03248
  25. A copy of this letter is found in Eddy’s files; see Elder to McLellan, 13 July 1906, IC 186.32.060
  26. “Take Notice,” Sentinel, 1 October 1910, 90