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Answers to questions our research team has received.
Does Mary Baker Eddy ever make a statement comparing personal and impersonal love?
This statement appears in the reminiscence of Emma Shipman: After she had talked about the great need of love in everything we do, a pupil asked, ‘Do you mean love of person?’ Mrs. Eddy replied, in substance, ‘No, I mean love of good.’ Then she was asked, ‘How shall...
Did Mary Baker Eddy free her first husband’s slaves?
This is a difficult question to answer…
What is the history of Christian Science in Nigeria?
This was research question we received. Here’s what we found: The first informal group of Christian Scientists was not formed in Nigeria until 1946…
Displaying the American Flag in The Mother Church
There is only one instance in which an American flag has been displayed in The Mother Church. This was on a Sunday in June 1908. The Christian Science Board of Directors had written to Mary Baker Eddy on June 9,The Christian Science Board of Directors to Mary...
What is the History of Announcing Bible Verses for each Section of the Christian Science Bible Lesson?
The original directive for announcing books of the Bible in church services comes from an article titled "Church and School."Mary Baker Eddy, "Church and School," The Christian Science Journal, April 1895,...
The Background to the Platform of Christian Science
The platform of Christian Science is found on pages 330-340 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and forms the basis for Normal class instruction—the course taught to train teachers of Christian Science. It was first mentioned in 1877, in the minutes of...
What’s the “Tyrannical Law” Referred to in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures?
The passage in Science and Health states: "In 1880, Massachusetts put her foot on a proposed tyrannical law, restricting the practice of medicine."Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Boston: The Writings of Mary Baker Eddy, 1906),...
What is the historical background of “The People’s Idea of God”?
The People’s Idea of God began as a sermon preached by Mary Baker Eddy at the Hawthorne Rooms in Boston. In November 1879, the Church of Christ (Scientist) began to hold regular church services there on Sunday afternoons, and Eddy preached at most services. A weekly...
The Question of “an exceptionally good investment”: Mary Baker Eddy and the Glover Gold Mining Company
Mary Baker Eddy’s only child was her son George W. Glover II (1844-1915), born a few months after the death of her first husband. Like many single mothers of her day, she did not possess the financial means to raise the boy, and before his seventh birthday the two were separated.
What is the historical background of “Rudimental Divine Science”?
Rudiments and Rules of Divine Science was published in November 1887. Advertisements, such as the one appearing in the November 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal, proclaimed that the booklet would answer "many questions in regard to the Science of Christian...
Christian Science and the Constitution
Did Mary Baker Eddy see a connection?
Has the Monitor ever endorsed a presidential candidate?
Here’s the story, straight from our researchers.
What is the background on the Oxford University essay mentioned in Science and Health?
Here’s an answer to something our patrons often ask about.
Did Eddy authorize the 89th edition of the Manual?
Here’s interesting background on the question and the answer.
How have Christian Scientists responded to natural disasters?
Find out what our collections have to say—the record is one of extensive activity.