1. The Fight Over Inoculation During the 1721 Boston Smallpox Epidemic
  2. See John B. Blake, Public Health in the Town of Boston, 1630–1822 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1959).
  3. Lawrence O. Gostin, “Jacobson v. Massachusetts at 100: Police Power and Civil Liberties in Tension,” American Journal of Public Health, April 2005, https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2004.055152#:~:text=A%20century%20ago%2C%20the%20US,liberty%20and%20the%20common%20good
  4. See The Mary Baker Eddy Papers, “The People’s God,” A10371A, for the handwritten draft and annotated transcription.
  5. The final title was The People’s Idea of God: Its Effect on Health and Christianity (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors).
  6. Mary Baker Eddy, ”Contagion,” Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896 (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors). For more on this article, see “What is the background on Eddy’s article ‘Contagion’?”
  7. Eddy, “Mistakes,” Journal of Christian Science, August 1884, 4.
  8. For one example, see “Letters and cases of healing,” The Christian Science Journal, October 1885, 135.
  9. William B. Johnson to Mary Baker Eddy, March 11, 1894, IC001bP2.01.054.
  10. “Holmes” is a reference to a South Boston man, Joseph Holmes, who refused to be vaccinated and was fined. See “Ill for Weeks,” Boston Daily Globe, 6 March 1894, 4.
  11. Mary Baker Eddy to William B. Johnson, 12 March 1894, L00059.
  12. “Christian Scientists Vaccinate Children,” The Leavenworth Times, 7 March 1900, 3. A similar statement from Eddy had appeared in The Boston Herald 12 days earlier, on February 24, 1900, in an article titled, “A Remarkable Event,” by Alfred Farlow. It was reprinted in the March 1, 1900 Christian Science Sentinel. Perhaps it was there that Keach saw Eddy’s words. Or Farlow may have sent the article to Keach, who also served as Committee on Publication for Kansas.
  13. Eddy to George Glover, 19 February 1900, L02130.
  14. “Supreme Court Decides the Vaccination Case,” The Daily Pioneer [Deadwood, South Dakota], 1 January 1901, 1.
  15. Actually South Dakota, not Colorado.
  16. Republished as “A Protest” in the Sentinel, 31 January 1901, 342.
  17. Eddy to Edward Kimball, 15 February 1901, L07515.
  18. See the February 21, 1901 Sentinel and the March 1901 Journal, under the heading “Obey the Law.”
  19. Eddy’s letter to the Sunday Journal was occasioned by publicity around a lawsuit concerning a contested bequest to First Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City.
  20. “Mrs. Eddy Talks of Christian Science,” New York Herald, 1 May 1901; reprinted as “Mrs. Eddy Talks” in the May 9, 1901, Sentinel and later in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors).
  21. Stephen L. Harris, Exploring the Bible (New York: McGraw Hill, 2014), 354.