1. Charles C. Coveney, “The Designing and Building of The Mother Church Extension,” 11 January 1934, Reminiscence, 29
  2. Joseph Armstrong and Margaret Williamson, Building of The Mother Church (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 2009), 149.
  3. Coveney, “The Designing and Building of The Mother Church Extension,” 29.
  4. “Items of Interest,” Christian Science Sentinel, 21 January 1933, 411, https://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/2gzqnouwerq?s=t.
  5. “The Reader Asks,” The Christian Science Monitor, 28 June 1962, 9.
  6. “The Mansion of a Harrison,” St. Louis Dispatch, 27 June 1901, 7.