From the Collections
Stories and behind-the-scenes information on the rich holdings of our Library archives.
The Just Picture of Jesus
Portrait of Jesus, oil on canvas by M. A. Batchelder, 0.1043 The following "Card" was placed by Mary Baker Eddy in The Christian Science Journal of May 1885: "To Miss Julia S. Bartlett, C.S. and her students, I acknowledge a life-long memory and joy, for the just...

Mary Baker Eddy’s Chocolate Pots
It is not known for certain if Mary Baker Eddy consumed chocolate in solid forms, but there is ample evidence that Eddy and members of her household drank cocoa.

“Friendship” by Hugh Black
Mary Baker Eddy was an avid reader, and in fact it was this love of reading that her father linked to her frail health.

Mary Baker Eddy’s Horses
August Mann (left) and Calvin Frye (right) driving Prince and Duke at Eddy’s Pleasant View Home, P06537 From a very young age, Mary Baker Eddy loved horses. Years later she recalled calming her father’s work horses as a child, and always found the quiet, gentle...

A Birthday Gift and a Special Visit
July 16, 1910, was Mary Baker Eddy’s 89th birthday. That morning two of the trustees of Eddy’s estate, Archibald McLellan and Irving Tomlinson…

“Daniel’s Answer to the King”
Learn what made this work of art one of Mary Baker Eddy’s favorites.

Spring Tide at Pleasant View
Springtime in New England is a season of change. It begins with icy cold, proceeds to rain and mud, and finally—blooms with greenery and flowers.

Nineteenth Century Shell Cameos
Found among the pieces in the jewelry collection linked to Mary Baker Eddy are three nineteenth-century cameos.

Mary Baker Eddy’s Copybooks
Copybooks were frequently used in the first half of the nineteenth century. The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that they are books in which “copies are written or printed for pupils to imitate” (1971 printing).

“Chafing Dish Possibilities” by Fannie Merritt Farmer
Many of us enjoy sharing good food with family and friends, and Mary Baker Eddy was no different.

Thankfulness during wartime struggles
Read how a church in Holland received help and encouragement during World War II.

Eddy and the poetry of Felicia Hemans
Read how poet Felicia Hemans influenced the discoverer of Christian Science.

“The Business of the Day”: George W. Glover’s Life in Charleston, South Carolina
George Glover, Mary Baker Eddy’s first husband, had many career interests and his letters give us some insight into his days and pursuits.

Map of Boston and Adjacent Cities in 1881
Mary Baker Eddy had great affection for the largest city in Massachusetts—and she had high hopes for it.

Cooking with Minnie Weygandt
Minnie Weygandt was Mary Baker Eddy’s cook, and served at her home, Pleasant View in Concord, NH, from 1899 to 1907.