1. “League of Press Clubs,” Boston Evening Transcript, June 24, 1902.
  2. James S. McCartney to Mary Baker Eddy, 29 July 1902, IC 627.
  3. Albert J. Miller to Calvin Frye, 4 August 1902, IC 168.
  4. Frye to Miller, 29 July 1904, L09758.
  5. “A Notable Book,” Christian Science Sentinel, October 1, 1904,  http://sentinel.christianscience.com/issues/1904/10/7-5/a-notable-book; “Gift that will be Treasured,” Christian Science Sentinel, November 12, 1904, http://sentinel.christianscience.com/issues/1904/11/7-11/gift-that-will-be-treasured.