1. “Mother’s Evening Prayer,” in Mary Baker Eddy, Poems (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors), 4–5.
  2. Eddy’s family contracted George’s living with the Cheneys without her agreement, apparently due to her poor health, asserting that it was in the best interest of both mother and son. Mahala had worked for the Baker family as a domestic servant and cared for both Mary and George at times. For a detailed account see, for example, Gillian Gill, Mary Baker Eddy (Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1998), 68–94.
  3. Eddy, Retrospection and Introspection (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors), 20.
  4. Eddy, “Things and Thoughts,” The Christian Science Journal, June 1893, 99. The entire article is on pages 97–100.
  5. Eddy, “The Mother’s Evening Prayer,” Journal, August 1893, 193.