“Order of Services,” (Church Manual 120-121), was originally published in the Christian Science periodicals. In August 1889 Mary Baker Eddy introduced a notice in The Christian Science Journal that, for the first time, mentioned the order of services.1 In December 1891 she submitted to the Journal a statement with the words “that there be uniformity among Christian Scientists, I submit the following Order of Exercise.”2 In the February 23, 1899, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel, she endorsed placing on the Sentinel’s editorial page notices giving The Mother Church’s order of services, and adding “we herewith republish the order of service to be followed in branch churches.”3 In the Sentinel of January 25, 1900, the order of service was given, prefaced with the words: “In response to requests we herewith publish the present order of service in the Mother Church: —….”4 Shortly after this, the order of service was first published in the Manual (in the 14th edition), under the heading “Present Order of Services in The Mother Church [Republished from the Sentinel].”5
The use of the word “present” in this heading has led some to ask if this could signify that Eddy left the door open for further changes to be made in the order of service after her death. There are no statements by Eddy that shed light on how the word “present” should be interpreted. Eddy did make a few further changes to the order after it entered the Manual in 1900. The solo was sung after the reading of the Lesson-Sermon until 1904; in the 45th edition of the Manual this was changed, with the solo moving to its present position before the Lesson.6
The last change Eddy authorized in the Appendix of the Manual was the addition of the words “and Branch Churches,” in the headings in this section. This change has been controversial over the years, mainly because it first appeared in the 89th edition of the Manual, published on December 17, 1910, two weeks after Eddy’s death. In spite of the fact that the Library’s collections include the proof sheets which contain these changes – all are signed “Eddy” on the back, in her own hand – some have claimed that the Christian Science Board of Directors added this phrase after Eddy’s passing and without her authorization, as a way to gain more control over branch churches. An article detailing this information can be found in the Journal of November 1977.7
- Mary B. G. Eddy, “Order of Church Services,” The Christian Science Journal, August 1889, http://journal.christianscience.com/shared/view/b34tabddis?s=t
- Mary B. G. Eddy, “Notice,” The Christian Science Journal, December 1891, http://journal.christianscience.com/shared/view/puu7rugz1o?s=t.
- “As to the Order of Church Services,” Christian Science Sentinel, February 23, 1899, http://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/e5qavag11q?s=t.
- “Order of Church Services,” Christian Science Sentinel, January 25, 1900, http://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/c6u4lhn4hq?s=t.
- Mary Baker G. Eddy, Church Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, 14th ed. (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 1900), 92-93.
- Eddy, Church Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, 45th ed. (Boston: Joseph Armstrong, 1904), 112.
- The Christian Science Board of Directors, “From the Directors,” The Christian Science Journal, November 1977, http://journal.christianscience.com/shared/view/270zawkqcbk?s=t.