1. See Robert Peel, The Years of Trial (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 2003), 115–116; Gillian Gill, Mary Baker Eddy (Reading, Massachusetts: Perseus Press, 1998), 288–291.
  2. “Read Letters of Mrs. Eddy,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 17, 1907.
  3. Lady Gertrude Murray to Calvin A. Frye, 27 August 1907, IC029.11.038.
  4. “Earl of Dunmore Dead,” The New York Times, August 28, 1907.
  5. “Late Earl Dunmore,” Manchester Evening News, August 28, 1907.
  6. Eddy to the Christian Science Board of Directors, 4 September 1907, L00953.
  7. “Lord Dunmore,” The Times, August 28, 1907.
  8. “New Bylaw is a Protection,” The Boston Globe, September 21, 1907.
  9. Eddy to Board of Directors, 18 August 1908, L06475.
  10. Eddy to Board of Directors, 22 May 1909, L01016.