1. This was before the Christan Science Sentinel was first published in September 1898
  2. See Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” n.d., Subject File, Sarah J. Clark (1839–1916); Schuyler Stevens Clark was Sarah J. Clark’s nephew.
  3. Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 1.
  4. Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 1.
  5. Sarah J. Clark, “Harvest Gleanings,” The Christian Science Journal, December 1896, 418.
  6. Sarah J. Clark, “Letters to our Leader,” Christian Science Sentinel, 2 January 1904, 281.
  7. Annie M. Knott to Mary Baker Eddy, 27 May 1885, IC158A.26.001.
  8. The teaching of obstetrics was later discontinued in 1902, per a request of Eddy issued in By-law Article XXXI, Section 1. For more information on why Eddy began and ended the practice of obstetrical classes, see “Didn’t Mrs. Eddy insist on teaching obstetrics at her Metaphysical College?” in the April 2012 Christian Science Journal.
  9. Certificates and Charters, 5 September 1888, A09006, 24.
  10. Sarah J. Clark to Mary Baker Eddy, 27 May 1885, IC050.15.002.
  11. Sarah J. Clark to Mary Baker Eddy, 29 July 1885, IC050.15.003.
  12. Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 2; Clark’s and Knott’s paths crossed again on November 3, 1901, when Knott presented a lecture titled “Christian Science, the True Idealism,” at  First Church of Christ, Scientist, Toledo, Ohio, which Clark had founded. Clark introduced Knott to the attendees, who according to The Toledo Times were “spellbound.”
  13. Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 2.
  14. Anona Phelps and Dr. Floyd C. Hart, “Data for the Archives of The Mother Church,” 15 March 1960, Field Collection, Box 530761, Folder 238245, 1.
  15. “Program of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Church of Christ, Scientist, Jamestown, N.Y.,” 15 June 1893, Field Collection, Box 530761, Folder 238245.
  16. Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 2.
  17. Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 2; the certificate for the association is found in certificates and charters, A09006, 24.
  18. Stella D. Cary, “History of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Toledo, Ohio,” 7 November 1932, Field Collection, Box 538102, Folder 162403, 1.
  19. Stella D. Cary, “History of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Toledo, Ohio,” 1; Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 2.
  20. Schuyler Stevens Clark, “Sarah Jane Clark,” 25 April 1966, Subject File, Sarah J. Clark (1839–1916).
  21. Mary Baker Eddy to Sarah J. Clark, 8 April 1897, L14185.
  22. Mary Baker Eddy to William B. Johnson, 1 June 1907, V04753.
  23. M. Adelaide Still, “Reminiscences of The Time I spent in Mrs. Eddy’s Home May 1907 to December 1910,” n.d., Reminiscence, 26.
  24. We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Expanded Edition, Volume II (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 2013), 396.