1. Christian Scientist Association, record book, Vol. 1, n.d., EOR10, 1.
  2. “A Chronology of Events Surrounding the Life of Mary Baker Eddy,” The Mary Baker Eddy Library, 10 December 2018, https://www.marybakereddylibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Mary_Baker_Eddy_Detailed_Annotated_Chronology_2018-12-10.pdf, 11–12, 13.
  3. Christian Scientist Association, meeting minutes, Vol. 1, 12 April 1879, EOR10, 69.
  4. Church of Christ, Scientist, record book, 23 August 1879, EOR13, 89.
  5. Christian Scientist Association, meeting minutes, Vol. 1, 17 January 1883, EOR10, 189–190.
  6. “A New Home,” The Christian Science Journal, September 1888, 317.
  7. For more information on the history of Christian Science Reading Rooms, read the Library’s research article Christian Science Reading Rooms 1887–1910.
  8. “A National Association,” Journal, February 1886, 209-210.
  9. National Christian Scientist Association, meeting minutes, n.d., EOR31, v.
  10. Ibid., x–xi.
  11. “A Chronology of Events Surrounding the Life of Mary Baker Eddy,” 10 December 2018, https://www.marybakereddylibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Mary_Baker_Eddy_Detailed_Annotated_Chronology_2018-12-10.pdf, 31.
  12. https://www.marybakereddylibrary.org/research/women-of-history-caroline-noyes/.”
  13. “Students Christian Scientist Association,” n.d., LSC026.
  14. “Editor’s Note Book,” Journal, December 1889, 459.
  15. Christian Scientist Association, meeting minutes, 30 July 1894, LSC025.
  16. “Christian Science at the World’s Religious Congress,” Journal, November 1893, 337–346.